
Parenting is tough. As a mother who is diligently seeking God as I parent, I have to position myself to see how God might be working in the lives of my children.  There have been opportunities where they have made mistakes that we as parents also feel the weight of those consequences. I have many times wanted to jump in and take care of the matter and just “make things right”. You know get the tough stuff behind us so we can “keep it moving”. Oh, but the day came when the Spirit enlightened me. “Recall your prayers for your children. Have you not asked Me to help them grow in the fear and admonition of the Lord? Can you not see what I am doing? Can you interpret My work and not interrupt it?” BIG OLE SLAP IN THE FACE. Cold water thrown on me. Light bulb above my head. LIKE WOW! You know those are times we experience God. Those are times we cannot deny an encounter with God! I understood. 

Just as Eli did in I Samuel 3:8 with the little boy Samuel. Samuel kept waking after hearing his name called. He assumed it was Eli, the priest, that called his name. After this happened a few times, Eli “UNDERSTOOD that the Lord was calling the boy.” Eli told Samuel the next time you hear your name, respond with “speak Lord, for your servant is listening”. He interpreted what God was doing in Samuel’s life. Eli did not interrupt. He directed the boy to attune his ear toward God. He understood. 

Samuel was used mightily as a messenger of God because Eli understood what God was doing. Will you ask God to help you understand what He is doing in the lives of your children? Will you interpret what God is doing and not interrupt? What plans might we hinder if we do not interpret God’s plans accurately? Understood? 

#MoMusing #pondering #interpretation #not #interruption #understood #parenting #Trainingthemup #intheway #Godsplan #letmegetoutoftheway #christian #parents #children #teens #youngadults #wearealwaysparentsnomattertheirages #blogger #journaling #inmyheart #birthing #writer #thinker #thawing



