There Is A Lad

Each of the gospels in the Bible - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John - records the miraculous feeding of the multitude by Jesus with those five loaves and two fish. 

Although the event is recorded in each gospel, only John mentions who supplied the five loaves and two fish.  John 6:9 says “there is a lad here which has five barley loaves and two small fish”. The other gospels mention what was given.  John mentions who gave.  The little boy. 

We do not know why the other three writers did not mention the little boy. We receive different accounts and perspectives from each author.  However, only John includes “there is a lad”. Sometimes in life we can give our all.  We can give of ourselves and our resources.  And there are times we give everything we have. Self. And resource. 

And we do not get mentioned. We are overlooked. Ignored. No appreciation. Nothing. 

We can feel unseen. Unworthy. Unloved.  Just forgotten. People got what they needed from us. And they use what we give them. And we are left. Alone. 

But aren’t you grateful that God sees you? He knows you by name. The Message Bible reads in Luke 12:6-7, “...but God never overlooks a single one. And He pays even greater attention to you, down to the last detail - even numbering the hairs on your head! You are more valuable...”. These verses tell us that if God gives attention to the canaries, there is NO WAY, He is not paying attention to you. He sees the canaries. He does not overlook a single one. He sees you! 

There is a little boy. A little girl. A man. A woman. There YOU ARE! He sees you before He sees what you have to offer. God is concerned with your being. Whether others acknowledge you or not, know that God sees you. And He has unique ways of letting us know He sees us. 

Be encouraged! 

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#thereisalad #Heseesyoutoo #youare #youareseen #youareworthy #Godlovesyou


Teach Us To Number Our Days


Giving my 5 & 2