Come and Join Us for Sessions
Sessions are for times of learning, asking questions, and discussing issues that affect our emotional and mental health.
Sessions are NOT therapy. These groups are NOT intended to serve as therapy. These groups will NOT suffice as an alternative to therapy. You are STRONGLY ADVISED to seek out your own personal relationship with a professional therapist.
These groups are for informational purposes only.
Grieving Ambiguous Losses
This 6 week support group is for those who have carried the weight of ambiguous losses. So many times, if we have not lost a loved one, other losses in our lives go unnamed and unattended. Losses such as job loss, role loss, loss of security, loss of identity, etc.
Join this support group for additional information and insights:
What is grief
What is ambiguous loss
Benefits of grieving ambiguous loss
Types of ambiguous losses
Ambiguous losses & emotions
Grieving Loss of Loved Ones
This six week virtual support group for those who need additional information and insights while navigating the complicated journey of grief.
Here’s a bit of what we will discuss and learn:
Support as you journey through grief
What is grief
Information on the stages of grief
Unhealthy ways to grieve
Emotions & Grieving
So much more
“Dealing With One Thing After Another”
How To Process When Life Keeps Piling It On
Join this support group for additional information and insights:
FREE Event

Grieving Ambiguous Losses
This six week virtual support group for those who need additional information and insights while navigating the complicated journey of grief.
Here’s a bit of what we will discuss and learn:
Support as you journey through grief
What is grief
Information on the stages of grief
Unhealthy ways to grieve
Emotions & Grieving
…So much more
DATES: February 1, 8, 15, 22; March 1, & 8
Register for meeting link
7:00 – 8:00 pm eastern

Grieving Loss of Loved Ones
This six week virtual support group for those who need additional information and insights while navigating the complicated journey of grief.
Here’s a bit of what we will discuss and learn:
Support as you journey through grief
What is grief
Information on the stages of grief
Unhealthy ways to grieve
Emotions & Grieving
…So much more
DATES: February 1, 8, 15, 22; March 1, & 8
Register for meeting link
7:00 – 8:00 pm eastern

Journaling Workshop
Journaling Workshop
Journaling has therapeutic benefits. It also aids in our spiritual formation and growth. This workshop will introduce you to the concept of journaling, discuss the benefits of journaling, and create space for you to practice several forms of journaling. Register to start your journey. Registration for this experience is $25

Clergy, Pastors & Families
This Session is for pastors and their families to be refreshed. Space is created for you to spend time as a family to talk about some of the highs and lows of being in a ministerial family. Register to attend this experience.

College Students - "Finding Ourselves"
This session is for college students and young adults who are in that place of trying to “find themselves”. Let’s sit and chat about why is this and what is involved in this process. Register to attend.

Before Dates and Deposits
Before Dates and Deposits
This session is for couples who are considering engagement. Christmas is right around the corner. Some might be considering proposals. Attend this session and learn why it’s best to prepare then propose.

Parent Drop-In Online Virtual Event
Space for parents to drop-in and drop their emotional and mental baggage before hitting the pillow! We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday.

Save The Date - Online Virtual Event
Seminar for premarital couples where we discuss topics pertinent for this stage of relationship development.

Before Dates And Deposits - Online Virtual Events
Seminar for couples who are thinking about engagement or seriously dating.

T.A.L.K - Talking About Life With Kids Online Virtual Event
Group meets every Thursday with breaks in-between. (Ages 10-13)

S.E.L.F. - Social Emotional Learning In Faith - Online Virtual Event
Group meets every Wednesday. (Ages 16-18)

Parent Drop-In Online Virtual Event
Space for parents to drop-in and drop their emotional and mental baggage before hitting the pillow! To register please email me at:

T.A.L.K - Talking About Life With Kids - Online Virtual Event
Group meets every Thursday with breaks in-between. (Ages 10-13)

S.E.L.F. - Social Emotional Learning In Faith - Online Virtual Event
Group meets every Wednesday. (Ages 16-18).
To register please email me at: